SBS Star

[SBS Star] VIDEO: CHUNG HA Says SUNMI Made Her Cry & She Sent Her a Photo of Herself Crying

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

K-pop artist CHUNG HA shared that another K-pop artist SUNMI recently made her cry, and sent a photo of herself crying to SUNMI. 

On September 29, CHUNG HA guested on SUNMI's YouTube show that is uploaded on a popular YouTube channel.

Since they are good friends in real life, who are both total homebodies, their conversation took place in a living room-like place with them wearing pajamas. 

As soon as SUNMI saw CHUNG HA coming towards her, she screamed and said in an excited voice, "My sister, CHUNG HA!" 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

When they sat down to begin the talk, SUNMI stared at CHUNG HA and said, "You look too much like a celebrity today." 

CHUNG HA laughed and explained, "I didn't think that I would be wearing pajamas for real today that I put on thick make-up. That's why. I wanted to look pretty." 

SUNMI responded, "I'm just not used to seeing you with so much make-up, because every time you send me a selfie, you have no make-up on. I never have make-up on as well. We exchange weird selfies without make-up on time to time." 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

As if she just remembered something all of a sudden, CHUNG HA laughed hard and exclaimed, "Oh!" 

Then, CHUNG HA said, "A short while ago, there was a time when SUNMI's words really touched my heart. Her words made me greatly emotional that I ended up crying. For some reason though, I wanted to share that exact moment with her that I took a photo of myself crying and sent it to SUNMI." 

She continued, "It's not something I do when I cry, but I had an urge at that time. That was actually the first time I'd ever taken a photo of myself crying." 

While SUNMI laughed, she stated, "Ah yes, I could see some tears rolling down your cheeks. It reminded me of the legendary crying selfie of Chae-yeon's. Hey, CHUNG HA's fans, I have a selfie of CHUNG HA crying in my phone. Jealous, right?" 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

During this talk, they also revealed how they became close to each other. 

CHUNG HA said, "We first met on 'Weekly Idol'. At that time, we went to the same make-up and hair salon. When I was getting my make-up done, you suddenly handed me some pastry. You were like, 'Let's wrap up our shooting well today!' Following our shooting, you asked me for my number." 

SUNMI responded, "Well, I like collecting dongsaengs (girls who are younger than herself).", then suddenly added with anger, "But it turns out you are a unnie (girls who are older than herself) collector! Who else is there! I'm sad about that, like really sad." 

CHUNG HA burst out laughing and calmed her down by telling her, "You are my number one. Of course, you are my number one, unnie! You've always been my no. 1 in my heart. But you never have time for me. You're always at home or too busy! It's difficult to see you." 

SUNMI looked down and replied, "Sorry, sorry about that." 

(Credit= 'Mobidic' YouTube) 

(SBS Star)

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