SBS Star

[SBS Star] JOOE Says She Asks Herself, "Have I Done Something Wrong?" When People Pay Attention to Her

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

JOOE of K-pop girl group MOMOLAND shared that she feels nervous when she gets too much attention from the public. 

On August 30, the first episode of JTBC's new survival show 'The Second World' was broadcast. 

In this episode, JOOE was seen taking part in the vocal/rap competition alongside other K-pop stars with a self-written song 'Decaffeine'. 

Following her powerful performance, the host Paul Kim said to JOOE, "I heard that you're already in your seventh year in the industry. Is that right?" 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

As soon as JOOE heard his comment, she teared up and started to cry. 

JOOE explained, "I felt scared. I was scared that I would ruin the show. I worried about receiving comments like, 'Why is she on that show?'" 

She continued, "In the past, it all felt natural to me that I was getting attention, but when people pay attention to me these days, I'm like, 'Have I done something wrong?', and that gets me to feel extremely nervous."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Then, JOOE shared that she wrote 'Decaffeine' to overcome being nervous because of those reasons. 

JOOE said, "I wrote this song while thinking back to the past times, and the reasons why I lost this much confidence. I wanted to get over my struggles with 'Decaffeine'. That's probably why I felt so nervous on stage. I wanted to perform well, but it was kind of overwhelming for me. I feel like a fool now."  

She resumed, "I'm aware that 'The Second World' is an opportunity given to me that doesn't come around very often. So, I'll do my best. I'll put everything into it so that I don't make my fellow group members feel embarrassed about me." 

With a strong determination in her eyes, she added, "If I could change how the public view me and my group by being on here, I think I'll be able to perform with more confidence the next time. I'll work harder and perform better!" 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

(Credit= JTBC The Second World) 

(SBS Star)

SBS Star
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