SBS Star

[SBS Star] SOURCE MUSIC's Application for Trademark Rights to 'GFRIEND' Rejected

대표 이미지 영역 - SBS 뉴스

It has been revealed that the application for exclusive trademark rights to 'GFRIEND' submitted by SOURCE MUSIC was denied.

According to reports on July 25, the Korea Intellectual Property Protection Agency (KOIPA) has rejected SOURCE MUSIC's application for exclusive trademark rights to GFRIEND on July 14.

오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Back in May 2021, SOURCE MUSIC announced the disbandment of the agency's then-only girl group GFRIEND.

Only a few months prior to the announcement, the agency applied for exclusive trademark rights to GFRIEND.

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광고 영역

According to KOIPA, there are two reasons why the application was rejected.

First, the trademark 'GFRIEND' is identical to the English name for the 6-member South Korean girl group GFRIEND, and cannot be trademarked.

Second, the trademark 'GFRIEND' is directly affiliated with the 6-member South Korean girl group GFRIEND, and the group is noticeably identifiable by general consumers.

Therefore, KOIPA concluded that the use of this trademark by the applicant (SOURCE MUSIC) can cause misconception and raise the potential for deception of consumers.

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As a result of SOURCE MUSIC's application being denied, the former members of GFRIEND―SOWON, EUNHA, YERIN, SINB, YUJU, and UMJI―can continue to use their group name GFRIEND in any form.

If the members wish to reunite and release/promote a new music together in the future, they can do so under the name of GFRIEND.

(Credit= 'gfrdofficial' Facebook)

(SBS Star)

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