SBS Star

[SBS Star] Dancer Gabee Tears Up as She Thinks Back to the Past When All Dancers Waited in the Cold Hallway

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Dancer Gabee teared up while speaking about the past when all dancers waited in the cold hallway prior to their performance. 

On June 13 episode of MBN's television show 'A Vacation in Hotel Suites' (literal translation), Gabee made a guest appearance. 

While having a conversation, the hosts asked the two dancers what the hardest part of being a dancer is. 

Gabee answered, "I think it's that there is no answer to what we do. There is no specific path that we should take to succeed." 

In fact, Gabee has over 10 years of experience in this field, but only recently started gaining attention from the public following her appearance in Mnet's survival show 'Street Woman Fighter'. 

After 'Street Woman Fighter' last year, a lot of talented but not famous dancers began to be in the spotlight, and more people learned about their job. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

K-pop artist SOYOU commented, "Yeah, it used to be that the industry didn't treat dancers well before 'Street Woman Fighter'. As for SISTAR, our managers would pick us up and drive us to the place where we had to be. Then, our stylists would do our make-up and hair on site." 

She continued, "But dancers had to come in much earlier than us, because they had to do their make-up and hair themselves. Also, they had to come from home and go back home by themselves before and after their performance.It seemed hard." 

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Then, singer Son Dam Bi stated, "I made debut in 2006, and back then, it was even worse. There wasn't a waiting area for dancers. Dancers would wait for their performance in the cold hallway." 

In response to this, Gabee said, "It was like that until recently. That was something that made me feel the saddest as a dancer." 

As she spoke, her voice trembled and she ended up tearing up, as she thought back to those difficult times. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

(Credit= MBN A Vacation in Hotel Suites, 'gabeegal' Instagram) 

(SBS Star)

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