SBS Star

[SBS Star] Lee Jung Jae Keeps His Promise He Made About Taking French Celebrity Around Korea When He Comes

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

French social media influencer Just Riadh shared that actor Lee Jung Jae kept his promise that he made about taking him around Korea if he comes. 

On June 8, Just Riadh updated his Instagram with a new post with the caption in French, "Thank you for keeping your promise." 

Then, he added, "Thank you." in Korean alongside Lee Jung Jae's Instagram account and a heart emoji. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

In this post, there was an edited video of Just Riadh interviewing Lee Jung Jae at Cannes, France, then a recent photo of the two at the end. 

The interview took place last month, when Lee Jung Jae was in Cannes attending '2022 Cannes Film Festival'; he made his directorial debut with a film 'Hunt' there. 

At that time during the interview, Lee Jung Jae said to Just Riadh, "If you ever come to Korea, contact me. I'll take you to a place where you can get good Korean food." 

To this, Just Riadh responded in surprise and excitement, "Oh, really?!" 

The photo showed them smiling next to each other in Gangnam, Seoul, which took a lot of people by surprise. 

It turned out Lee Jung Jae did not just say his words, but actually kept his promise to Just Riadh that everybody is talking about how amazing the actor is. 

Lee Jung Jae gained his international fame with his appearance in Netflix's mega-hit series 'Squid Game'. 

Following the premiere last September, 'Squid Game' quickly became one of the most popular series of all-time on Netflix. 

(Credit= 'justriadh' Instagram)

(SBS Star)

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