SBS Star

[SBS Star] VIDEO: DAWN & HyunA Share a Romantic Kiss at University Music Festival

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

K-pop artist couple DAWN and HyunA shared a romantic kiss at a music festival. 

On May 24, DAWN and HyunA were invited to perform at '2022 Kyung Hee University Spring Festival'. 

Since they were not invited to perform together, they performed their own hit tracks.

HyunA performed first, then said to have watched DAWN's performance within the crowd. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

At the end of DAWN's performance, HyunA came up on stage and ran straight to DAWN. 

Then, she hugged DAWN, which made the students watching them to go wild. 

They screamed out loud and told them, "Kiss, kiss, kiss!" 

DAWN and HyunA awkwardly smiled in response, but they did not stop asking them to kiss for ages. 

A little while later, HyunA smiled and brought DAWN's face towards her, then kissed him on the lips. 

As soon as the crowd saw them kiss, they went even wilder. 

Afterwards, DAWN laughed and turned away from HyunA as if he felt shy, and HyunA also shyly laughed. 

DAWN and HyunA have been dating each other since 2016, and made their relationship public in 2018.

Back in February, DAWN and HyunA showed off matching rings on their Instagram. 

On Instagram, DAWN wrote, "MARRY ME" with a blue heart emoji, and HyunA wrote in response, "Of course! Definitely yes!" then. 

Although they never clarified whether they were engaged, it is very much suspected that they are. 

(Credit= 'Jinoo 95' YouTube) 

(SBS Star)

SBS Star
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