SBS Star

[SBS Star] VIDEO: SOYOU Breaks DINDIN's Expensive Plate; Buys Another Expensive One on the Spot

대표 이미지 영역 - SBS 뉴스

K-pop artist SOYOU bought another expensive plate for hip-hop artist DINDIN on the spot after breaking his expensive plate. 

On March 24, DINDIN shared a new video on his YouTube channel that featured him and SOYOU drinking together at DINDIN's home. 

오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

About halfway through the video, SOYOU and DINDIN were seen getting up from their seats for a little break and sitting back down. 

As SOYOU sat on the chair, she happened to knock over one of the plates on the table by accident. 

SOYOU covered her mouth in surprise, as DINDIN previously explained that that particular plate was from a luxury brand. 

DINDIN immediately responded, "It's okay, it's okay. You've just only broken a plate from a luxury brand." 

Then, he asked her to move so that she does not get hurt, and cleaned the area by himself. 

오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

While he cleaned, SOYOU searched online for another plate from another luxury brand to replace his pricey plate. 

Luckily, one luxury brand sold a similar plate, and SOYOU purchased two of them on the spot. 

She asked DINDIN to fill in his address, then paid for the plates right away. 

The plates were 730,000 won (approximately 600 dollars) in total. 

오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

To this, DINDIN playfully responded, "Hey, I asked you not to buy it for me! What are you doing?" 

SOYOU asked, "Oh, shall I cancel it then?" 

DINDIN answered, "Ah no, I mean, I'm sure it's really difficult to cancel it now.", making everybody laugh. 

(Credit= '딘딘 - 딘가딘가 [Dinga Dinga]' YouTube) 

(SBS Star)

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