SBS Star

[SBS Star] Mijoo Tears Up While Talking About Seeing Her Mother's Comment Among Hate Comments

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Mijoo of disbanded K-pop girl group Lovelyz shared that she once spotted her mother's comment among hate comments. 

On March 27 episode of SBS' television show 'My Little Old Boy', Mijoo made a guest appearance. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

During the talk, Mijoo said, "One day when I was reading comments about me online, I happened to come across my mom's comment." 

She continued, "Among many hate comments, there was one comment which said, 'Our Mijoo is so pretty.'", then teared up. 

She resumed with teary eyes, "I looked at the username, and it was my mom's name in English. As I saw that, I cried so much. All the other comments were hate comments." 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Then, Mijoo was asked if there was a time when she broke her parents' hearts. 

Mijoo answered, "When I was a teenager, there was this phase when I was rebellious. I was really stubborn that I didn't listen to my mom." 

She went on, "I didn't even speak to her for like four days once. If I think about it now, I don't understand why I was like that to her. I feel bad."

But she laughingly added that she probably would have behaved the same way even if she went back to that period now.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

(Credit= SBS My Little Old Boy) 

(SBS Star)

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