SBS Star

[SBS Star] This Actor Made Debut Only to Meet Girls' Generation Taeyeon in Person

대표 이미지 영역 - SBS 뉴스

Actor Kang Hoon revealed that he became an actor because he wanted to meet Taeyeon of K-pop girl group Girls' Generation in person.

On February 2 episode of MBC's 'Radio Star', Kang Hoon made appearance as a guest alongside his fellow 'The Red Sleeve' cast.

During the talk, Kang Hoon revealed that Taeyeon inspired him to become an actor.

오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Kang Hoon said, "After I quit basketball, I was 17 years old and was searching for a new dream. At the time, I was a big fan of Girls' Generation's Taeyeon."

He explained, "Once I became a fan, I wondered, 'Is there any way I can meet her in real life?' I wasn't good at singing or dancing, so I definitely could not become a singer."

He continued, "But I thought maybe I could be an actor. I was like, 'If I become an actor, wouldn't I be able to meet them?' That's how I started acting."

오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Kang Hoon revealed that he had even gone to Taeyeon's hometown, Jeonju, to visit the optical store that Taeyeon's parents run.

He laughingly said, "I actually have good eyesight. But I pretended like I couldn't see well and bought a pair of glasses so that I could talk to them."

Kang Hoon received an incessant love and support from viewers through the recently-ended drama 'The Red Sleeve', where he took the role of 'Hong Deok-ro'.

(Credit= MBC Radio Star, SM Entertainment, npio Entertainment)

(SBS Star)

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