SBS Star

[SBS Star] Park Bo Gum Becomes a Licensed Barber in the Military

대표 이미지 영역 - SBS 뉴스

Actor Park Bo Gum got a barber license in the military. 

On February 2, the Republic of Korea Navy shared news about Park Bo Gum online. 

The Navy stated that Park Bo Gum recently obtained a barber license. 

오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

In the military, soldiers are encouraged to get at least one national qualification for their self-improvement. 

Out of many, Park Bo Gum chose to get a barber license while he was serving his time there. 

In order to get the license, Park Bo Gum recently used his day-off to take the test at the Navy Education and Training Center. 

오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Park Bo Gum said to have regularly given his fellow soldiers a haircut even before his license. 

Not so long ago, the actor successfully passed the test, and officially became a licensed barber. 

오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Currently, Park Bo Gum is fulfilling his national mandatory military duty as a member of the military band in the Navy.

The actor began his military service on August 31, 2020, and is expected to complete it in the end of April 2022.

(Credit= '대한민국해군 R.O.K. Navy' YouTube) 

(SBS Star)

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