SBS Star

[SBS Star] Lee Yeon-bok Shares How Cute He Thinks JIN Is for Visiting His Restaurant for Food & Chat by Himself

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Chef Lee Yeon-bok shared why he finds JIN of K-pop boy group BTS cute. 

On September 12, Lee Yeon-bok updated his Instagram with a new post. 

The post included a photo of himself with JIN sitting together at Lee Yeon-bok's restaurant. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Under this photo, Lee Yeon-bok said, "Whenever JIN is free, he calls me and cutely says, 'Chef! Cook me something delicious!', then comes over to my restaurant." 

He continued, "He comes alone, and chats with me for ages. He eats a lot of food as well. He is such a lovely person." 

Then, the chef used hashtags including, '#BTS_JIN', '#loyalty' and '#longtime_friend' at the end of his post. 

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Lee Yeon-bok and JIN got to know each other through JTBC's past television show 'Please Take Care of My Refrigerator' in October 2017. 

At that time, JIN made a guest appearance on the show with his fellow group member JIMIN. 

Since then, Lee Yeon-bok and JIN kept in frequent touch and even hung out with each other every now and then. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Lee Yeon-bok previously revealed that him and JIN recently went fishing together, and JIN also buys him gifts when he comes back to Korea from an overseas schedule. 

He stated, "JIN always touches my heart with his sweet moves." 

(Credit= 'fuxtom' Instagram) 

(SBS Star)

SBS Star
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