SBS Star

[SBS Star] VIDEO: Zo In Sung Shares that He Stays Away from Lee Kwang Soo These Days

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Actor Zo In Sung shared that he thinks his good friend actor Lee Kwang Soo is his rival. 

On July 23, Zo In Sung featured in actor Park Hyo-jun's YouTube video. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

While having a conversation over a drink and barbecue, Lee Kwang Soo happened to call Zo In Sung. 

Zo In Sung picked up his call and said, "You know Park Hyo-jun, right? I'm filming for his YouTube right now. I'll call you later." 

Then, Park Hyo-jun quickly asked Lee Kwang Soo, "Can you come on my YouTube in the future, Kwang Soo?" 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

After hanging up on Lee Kwang Soo, Zo In Sung playfully said to Park Hyo-jun, "No, he's busy. Am I not enough for you, hyung?" 

The actor continued, "I'm a little sensitive about Lee Kwang Soo right now, because I take him as my rival these days." 

He went on, "He's trying to come into 'the good-looking actor category'. I believe there is something wrong with the mirror in his house though." 

He jokingly added, "Anyway, that's why I'm kind of avoiding him at the moment. I don't even eat together with him anymore." 

Zo In Sung and Lee Kwang Soo have been friends for many years since their early debut days. 

(Credit= '버거형' YouTube, 'masijacoke850714' Instagram) 

(SBS Star)

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