SBS Star

[SBS Star] VIDEO: Ji Seok-jin Shares How Sweetly BTS JIN Responded to His Messy Cover of 'Dynamite'

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Entertainer Ji Seok-jin shared how sweetly JIN of K-pop boy group BTS responded to his messy cover of 'Dynamite'. 

On July 3, Ji Seok-jin uploaded a new video on his YouTube. 

In this video, Ji Seok-jin was seen visiting a record store to purchase a BTS album and heading to McDonald's to try the BTS meal. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

At the record store, Ji Seok-jin looked at the BTS album 'BE' that was released last November. 

As 'BE' included one of last year's hit songs by BTS 'Dynamite', Ji Seok-jin mentioned covering the song on a television show not too long ago. 

Recently on MBC's television show 'Hangout with Yoo', Ji Seok-jin made everyone laugh with his hilarioiusly-messy cover of 'Dynamite'. 

Ji Seok-jin said, "I messed it up so badly. It was my first time singing 'Dynamite', so it wasn't easy for me. I apologized to JIN afterwards." 

He continued, "I happened to have something to say to JIN after my cover was released, so I texted him. That's when I told him I was sorry for ruining a great song."

He went on, "But seriously, JIN has an amazing personality. He was like, 'Well, it's okay. Thanks to your cover, more people got to know 'Dynamite'. It's all good.'" 

Lastly, he added, "His words truly touched my heart. I have such great respect for him." 

(Credit= 'MBCentertainment' '지편한세상 [Jeeseokjin World]' YouTube, 'bangtan.official' Facebook) 

(SBS Star)

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