SBS Star

[SBS Star] "She Doesn't Have Enough Qualities to Be Human" IU's Brother Shares What He Truly Thinks of IU

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

K-pop artist IU and her younger brother proved that they are just like siblings of other families. 

On December 7, a new video was uploaded on IU's official YouTube channel. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

The video was of IU and her younger brother Lee Jong-hoon asking each other some questions. 

One of the questions that Lee Jong-hoon asked IU was, "What kind of qualities do you think you lack of?" 

IU answered, "Well, I feel like I'm not satisfied with any of the qualities I have except for the ones that are work-related."

Then, she asked Lee Jong-hoon, "Which of the qualities do you think I lack the most?" 

Without hesitation, he responded, "I have to say that those are the qualities to be human as well as love for her own family." 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

IU laughed hard as she heard his response and commented, "He went to study abroad when he was young. So, we didn't spend much time with each other." 

She continued with an awkward smile, "That's probably why he thinks that way." 

Lee Jong-hoon said, "She gave me such a hard time when I was little. I practically lived in hell." 

IU playfully commented, "I'm sorry about that, but that's unfortunately how life works." 

Born in 1997, Lee Jong-hoon is IU's only brother and is about four years younger than her. 

(Credit= '이지금 [IU Official]' YouTube, Online Community) 

(SBS Star)

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