SBS Star

[SBS Star] VIDEO: 'Running Man' Shares a Touching Video of Gary

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Hip-hop artist Gary's video was unexpectedly shared on Running Man's YouTube, and fans are all hyped up about it. 

On September 25, SBS' television show 'Running Man' uploaded a 12-minute video on YouTube. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Titled 'We Miss You', the video was of parts of 'Running Man' where Gary played a significant role in put together.

But It was mainly of the episode which Gary took his very last part in.

It showed Gary receiving hand-written letters and goodbye gifts from the members of 'Running Man'. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Not long after the video was uploaded, the video was hit with an unbelievable number of views; the video hit 679,000 views within only three days. 

Fans are wondering what this video means, as only recent video clips have recently been uploaded on 'Running Man' YouTube. 

Under this video, fans wrote comments such as, "This makes me so emotional.", "Why has 'Running Man' upload this? Please tell me that it's because Gary is joining 'Running Man' again.", "I miss those 'Running Man' days with Gary." and so on. 

Gary joined 'Running Man' in 2010, but suddenly announced his departure from the show in October 2016.

(Credit= 'SBS Running Man' YouTube) 

(SBS Star)

SBS Star
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