SBS Star

[SBS Star] VIDEO: BIGBANG TAEYANG's Friends & Staff Mention His Incredible Personality

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

TAEYANG of K-pop boy group BIGBANG's friends and staff told what he is like in real life. 

On May 18, the first episode of TAEYANG's documentary 'WHITE NIGHT' was uploaded on YouTube. 

At the beginning of the video, the members of BIGBANG commented on TAEYANG's personality. 

They said, "TAEYANG is the kind of person who always puts others before himself.", "He has a positive attitude towards life." and "He is very humane." 

Then, they laughingly added, "Sometimes, I get confused of who he really is though. He seems serious, but is so playful at the same time." 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

After that, TAEYANG's long-time co-worker as well as his friend said, "He is an extremely open and hard-working person. Every time I see him, he is just like the last time I saw him; he never changes." 

TAEYANG's bodyguard shared what he thought of him as well. 

He said, "TAEYANG leads a disciplined life. He wakes up early, and is on time all the time."

Lastly, his tour manager said, "When we were on a concert tour together, I could see how much he cares for each one of our staff. It made me realize how great of a guy he truly was."

Meanwhile, a new episode of 'WHITE NIGHT' is planned to be unveiled every Monday and Thursday at 7PM KST. 

(Credit= 'YGTAEYANG' YouTube) 

(SBS Star)

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