SBS Star

[SBS Star] A Girl Tells a Story of When She Asked P.O for His Number, Not Knowing He Was a Celebrity

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

One girl told a story of the time when she asked K-pop boy group Block B's member P.O for his number, not knowing that he was a celebrity.

Some months ago, one interesting post about P.O was uploaded online.

The post was written by a girl who happened to meet P.O at a clothing store in Hongdae, Seoul.

The girl started off by saying, "I went to this large clothing store in Hongdae with my friend the other day. When we were just walking out of the store, we saw a super cute guy going in."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

She continued, "I'm not usually that brave, but he was just so cute that I was like, 'I have to get his number!' I followed him to the store and went up to him while he was busy looking around the first floor."

She went on, "Then I asked him, 'Excuse me, hi, hey. Do you have a girlfriend?' As soon as he heard me, he burst into laughter and nervously looked around him. His initial response made me think that he might be a bit weird, but that was not an issue for me at that time."

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According to this girl, P.O told her that he did not have a girlfriend with a shy smile.

The girl said, "So, I asked him if he could give me his number. That's when he started sweating and laughing like crazy. He said, 'Umm... I can't, because of what I do.'"

She carried on, "I thought to myself, 'What on earth does he do? Does he work at some sort of dodgy bar or something?' I had to ask him what he did, you know."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

She continued, "He quietly responded, 'I'm a member of Block B.' I knew that I was being rude, but I was like, 'What?! Block B of... Who...?' I only knew ZICO in Block B. I know I know, I'm so sorry, Block B fans. No offense."

She added, "He told me that his name was P.O. He was really polite. I apologized to him for not knowing who he was, and he told me that it was totally fine. Afterwards, we shared an awkward laugh and I went out the store. Well, at least I know who P.O is now, right?"

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Although the girl said she did not have any sort of evidence to prove whether her story was real, a surprising number of people believed that the story may actually be true.

They all laughingly explained that the guy in the store was just too P.O not to be him.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

(Credit= 'pyojihoon_official' Instagram, Online Community)

(SBS Star)

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