SBS Star

[SBS Star] Anna Reveals that Na-eun & Geon-hoo Have Not Seen Park Joo-ho Since January

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It was just revealed that professional soccer player Park Joo-ho's children Na-eun (Eden) and Geon-hoo (Aciel) have not seen their father for months due to coronavirus pandemic.

On April 11, Park Joo-ho's wife Anna updated her Instagram with a new post.

In the post, there were photos of Geon-hoo staring at chickens over a metal fence.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Along with the photos, Anna wrote, "These were taken a few weeks ago. It seems like Aciel liked those chickens. This got me thinking that we should get some chickens when we buy a house."

She continued, "As you all know, Joo-ho started his YouTube channel not too long ago. For those who ask about the kids being on the videos, please know that they actually haven't been able to see each other since mid-January."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Anna has not mentioned a specific reason why they had not seen each other for so long, but it is presumed that it is due to coronavirus pandemic.

Anna and the children are in Switzerland while Park Joo-ho is in Korea at the moment.

Switzerland currently has over 25,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases and applied entry ban to all countries except Liechtenstein.

As the number of cases are increasing rapidly, the entire population is urgently called upon to stay at home as well.

Everyone is hoping that coronavirus pandemic will end soon, and the family would be able to reunite in the near future.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

(Credit= 'msannapark' Instagram, KBS)

(SBS Star)

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