SBS Star

[SBS Star] VIDEO: Han Ye Seul Reveals Her Modern & Fancy Home with Huge Walk-in Closets

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Actress Han Ye Seul revealed her luxurious home.

On March 9, Han Ye Seul uploaded a video titled 'Welcome to My House' on her YouTube.

In the video, Han Ye Seul says, "Today, I'm going to take you on a tour around my house. You know, I tidied up my house for like three days for this."

She laughingly continued, "We have to film everything and get it over with today. There won't be another day."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

She then shows the living room and kitchen area.

Her living room and kitchen are decorated in white-colored furniture that make the house look modern.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

After completing her living room-kitchen tour, Han Ye Seul goes over to her walk-in closets.

She explains that she has two walk-in closets; one had clothes, shoes, bags and accessories that she wears on a daily basis and one had those things that she only wears once or twice a year.

Both walk-in closets are unbelievably huge, and filled with fashionable items. 

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Following that, Han Ye Seul goes to one of the many other rooms in her house―her bedroom.

As soon as she walks into the room, she jumps on her big round bed, and excitedly comments, "This is my bed, everyone!"

Then, Han Ye Seul wraps up the video by informing her subscribers that 'Welcome to My House: Part 2' is going to come soon. 

 (Credit= '한예슬 is' YouTube)

(SBS Star)

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