SBS Star

[SBS Star] B.I Anonymously Donates Surgical Masks Following COVID-19 Outbreak

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

K-pop boy group iKON's former leader B.I made a meaningful donation in light of ongoing COVID-19 outbreak all over the world.

On February 19, one fan community of B.I named 'Still 여전해' announced that B.I had donated 10,000 surgical masks anonymously to help fans fight against the virus.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

The fan community shared and announcement that says:

He never wanted this to be known to the world.

But nothing could replace his heart, so we decided to tell you the truth.

We heard someone's story today.

"The most common gift I ever received is a mask. When I got a mask, I have always been busy trying to cover my face. But at this moment, I hope this mask will be used to protect people who love and support me."

Someone we used to care about said the most received gift from fans was a mask.

At that time, he used mask for 'covering his face', but at this moment, he really hopes the mask will be used to 'protect precious people'.

And through the fan cafe 'Still 여전해', he donated tens of thousands of masks in hopes of the safety of fans all over the world.

'Still 여전해' will do our best to ensure that the mask is used for the safety of precious people all over the world.

We hope to warm the hearts of many people who wait for him by the good influence that will occur in the process of delivering this mask. Thank you.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Meanwhile, YG Entertainment announced B.I's departure from iKON in June last year, following his past drug purchase allegations came to light.

(Credit= 'still131fan' Twitter, SBS funE, YG Entertainment)

(SBS Star)

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