SBS Star

[SBS Star] VIDEO: EXO SEHUN Pats BAEKHYUN's Head in the Middle of a Performance?

대표 이미지 영역 - SBS 뉴스

K-pop boy group EXO's member SEHUN was spotted patting BAEKHYUN's head in the middle of a performance.

On December 14, EXO's ongoing concert tour 'EXO Planet #5 - EXplOration' was held at Axiata Arena, Kuala Lumpur.

On this day, the members of EXO performed a great number of songs for fans with all their energy.

오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

During their powerful 'Monster' stage, fans were given the cutest SE-BAEK moment as a surprise gift.

When BAEKHYUN was holding onto SUHO's arm and SEHUN the opposite arm, strands of BAEKHYUN's hair suddenly stood straight in the air as he had so much static in his hair.

BAEKHYUN immediately realized what was going on, and burst into laughter while looking at SEHUN.

오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Right after letting go of SUHO's arm, SEHUN reached over to BAEKHYUN's head with his hand.

He then flattened the hair and patted his head as if he was finding BAEKHYUN cute.

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Fans are just loving this SE-BAEK moment right now.

(Credit= 'hunho94' 'CandyBlossom92' '94seconds_' 'weareoneEXO' Twitter)

(SBS Star)

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