SBS Star

[SBS Star] Tiffany Young Confesses She Had Depression When Promoting as Girls' Generation

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Tiffany Young of K-pop girl group Girls' Generation revealed that she used to suffer from depression when she was promoting as a member of Girls' Generation.

On December 10 episode of MBC's documentary 'I Like People' (literal translation), Tiffany Young's recent interview was unveiled.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

During the interview, Tiffany Young reminisced the time when she used to promote as a member of Girls' Generation in Korea.

She said, "Whenever I was in front of the camera, I felt the pressure to smile and look happy. I felt like I always had to look 'innocent' and act like a 'girl', give everyone positive energy and stuff as well. Those thoughts would suffocate me a lot."

She continued, "At one point, I felt that I really needed to talk to someone about it. So, I started going to therapy. There, I was able to learn that I was also a human-being just like others that it was okay for me to express my sadness, tiredness or anger in front of the camera."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Then, Tiffany Young also shared that she had depression at that time.

Tiffany Young said, "There were times when I felt extremely depressed to the point where I wanted to give up on everything. Then, my older sister would tell me things like, 'It's okay to feel that way, but know that it's going to be fine.'"

She continued, "I was able to get back up as I thought, 'If I show the world that I can overcome these difficulties, all others will also be able to overcome their hardships, too.'"

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Meanwhile, Tiffany Young made debut as a solo singer in her home country―the United States last year, and has been busy promoting there since.

(Credit= MBC I Like People, SM Entertainment)

(SBS Star)

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