SBS Star

[SBS Star] Oak Joo Hyun Shares What Jun Ji Hyun Was Like Back in Middle School

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Singer/theater actress Oak Joo Hyun revealed what actress Jun Ji Hyun was like back in middle school.

On December 9 episode of MBC FM4U's radio show 'Jang Seong-kyu's Good Morning FM', Oak Joo Hyun was invited as a guest.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

During the talk, Oak Joo Hyun talked about going to the same middle school as Jun Ji Hyun.

Oak Joo Hyun said, "Ji Hyun was already really beautiful then. She looked like she had just gotten straight out of a cartoon or something."

She continued, "It almost looked like a movie when she walked through the gate of our school in the morning."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Then, Oak Joo Hyun mentioned that she used to instruct a choir competition for Jun Ji Hyun's class once.

The singer said, "I don't know if she'll remember this, but I was a choir competition instructor for Ji Hyun's class at one point."

She went on, "She was very shy at that time, so she didn't speak much at all. But whenever she said something, she would make everyone around her laugh."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Both Oak Joo Hyun and Jun Ji Hyun attended Eonju Middle School, Seoul, and Oak Joo Hyun was a year above Jun Ji Hyun.

(Credit= 'goodmorningfm' Instagram, SBS Love from Star, SBS funE, Culture Depot, Potluck)

(SBS Star)

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