SBS Star

[SBS Star] SUNMI Fires Back at Haters, "I Hope It Is Not Believed as True"

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

K-pop artist SUNMI responded to a negative comment about her comeback and other K-pop artists, especially idols, being credited with composing their own music.

On July 30, it was announced that SUNMI will be making a summer comeback in August with a self-composed song.

This attracted the ire of some haters who began criticizing SUNMI for her decision to take part in the songwriting process.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Later that day, SUNMI shared two screenshots of the initial report and a comment from the article that said most idols including SUNMI do not contribute much of their "self-composed" songs, with their staff members overwork to create their music instead.

Along with the screenshot, SUNMI shared a lengthy rebuttal through her caption:

No matter the format, creating something is a very difficult process.

You also need help from many people in various ways.

But if the lead person doesn't know what story they want to tell, can't understand what they want to express, can't explain it and can't carry it out, then the people who work with them become confused.

I do not put on the appearance of working on music just to put my name on the album credits.

I think hard about each part of the process of making an album; the lyrics, melody, arrangement, and more.

I refine them, fix them, and complete what I'm trying to express (through the new album). 

It is your personal prejudice that most idols including me are like that, and I hope it is not believed as true.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Ever since she made her second debut as a solo artist, SUNMI has personally written many of her songs, including 'Noir', 'Siren', 'Heroine', and 'Gashina'.

(Credit= 'miyayeah' Instagram)

(SBS Star)

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