SBS Star

[SBS Star] Cho Jung Seok Comments on the Possibility of Collaborating with GUMMY

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Actor Cho Jung Seok shared what it is like living with his wife singer GUMMY and what he believes will be like to work with her on a project together.

On July 23 episode of SBS POWER FM's radio show 'Park Sun-young's Cinetown', Cho Jung Seok made a guest appearance.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

During the show, one listener sent in a message asking Cho Jung Seok, "You look like you have gained a little weight after you got married. Does GUMMY make you lots of good food?"

Cho Jung Seok answered with a broad smile on his face, "I actually lost some weight recently, but GUMMY makes me a lot of good food, indeed. She is a very good cook."

The host Park Sun-young asked, "What was the best food she's ever made for you?"

Cho Jung Seok took some time to think, then said, "It's really hard to choose one, because all of them tasted amazing. Ummm... I do love her Kimchi-jjigae (Kimchi stew)."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Then, another listener asked in his/her message to Cho Jung Seok, "I've been waiting for you and GUMMY's collaboration. When is it happening? I'm sure everyone is ready to listen to that album already!"

Cho Jung Seok laughed and said, "Sorry to disappoint you, but that may never happen. I almost think like, 'How could I ever even think about collaborating with GUMMY?' I'm just not that good enough, you know."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

After years of being in a relationship, Cho Jung Seok and GUMMY got married last October.

(Lee Narin, Credit= SBS POWER FM Park Sun-young's Cinetown, 'sbscine' Instagram, C-JeS Entertainment)

(SBS Star)

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