SBS Star

[SBS Star] VIDEO: NCT JAEHYUN Moves His 6-Year-Old Fan Who Came to See Him at the Airport

대표 이미지 영역 - SBS 뉴스

K-pop boy group NCT's member JAEHYUN stole the hearts of many with a sweet gesture he has shown to one little girl who waited at the airport for hours just to see him.

On July 9, one fan of JAEHYUN posted a video of her little sister on her social media account which she filmed at Heathrow Airport, London.

Along with the video, she wrote, "My little sister was with us, and she had the headband again and everyone was looking at my sister. TAEYONG literally mouthed 'That's so cute' and nearly all of them looked at her, and at the end, JAEHYUN took her letter and high-fived her."

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She added, "JAEHYUN is literally the best and sweetest human being ever. I don't have it on video, but when they left, he turned around to wave and say goodbye to her. I love them."

According to the fan, there was a drawing of JAEHYUN that her sister drew herself inside the envelope.

오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

That little girl might have missed her opportunity to give JAEHYUN her letter, but she was able to do so thanks to the group's manager who was standing near him and noticed her among the crowd.

오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

After hearing this story, fans commented, "I'm so happy for your little sister.", "I already knew that he loves kids, but look at the smile on his face!", "How are you alive? I totally would've passed out.", and so on.

Meanwhile, NCT is scheduled to resume its world tour 'NEO CITY - The Origin' with the concert in Singapore which will be held on July 20.

(Kang Eunbee, Credit= 'm_inhos' Twitter, SBS funE)

(SBS Star)

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