SBS Star

[SBS Star] VIDEO: SHINee JONGHYUN's Sister Sings a Song with Touching Lyrics for His Birthday

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

JONGHYUN of K-pop boy group SHINee's older sister Kim So-dam sang a special song for him for his 29th birthday.

On April 8, Kim So-dam uploaded a video titled, 'happy birthday jjong' on YouTube.

In the video, Kim So-dam covers one of JONGHYUN's song 'Happy Birthday' from 'The Collection: Story Op.1' (2015), which was composed and written by JONGHYUN.

By beautifully covering this song, Kim So-dam bravely shared her feelings with all those people who miss JONGHYUN as well as warmed their hearts.

Kim So-dam also made some alterations to the lyrics to deliver her message to JONGHYUN.

Her lyrics go, "You are listening to me singing this song, right? I'm willing to do anything for you, but this seems to be the only thing I can do for you. You sang this song to others, but now it is your turn to listen to it."

She also adds, "Happy birthday. I'm going to remember you. I'm going to walk back on the memories that I built with you. I hope you are resting in peace."


SODAM “happy birthday jjong” from Shiny Foundation YouTube ?

Lyrics & Translation (KOR/ENG)






— 온리유JH♥? (@onlyyoujhcom)

2019년 4월 7일

On December 18, 2017, JONGHYUN was found unconscious inside a residence complex located in Southern part of Seoul.

JONGHYUN was immediately taken to the hospital, but failed to regain consciousness and left this world at the age of 27.

(Lee Narin, Credit= 'onlyyoujhcom' Twitter, '재단법인빛이나' YouTube, 'shinee' Facebook)

(SBS Star)

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