SBS Star

[SBS Star] Park Min Young Reveals She Used to Be a Hardcore Fangirl

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Actress Park Min Young talked about the things she used to fangirl over.

On April 3, the cast members of tvN's new drama 'Her Private Life' attended the press conference held at Imperial Palace Seoul, Gangnam-gu.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

For the drama, Park Min Young took the female lead character 'Sung Duk-mi', a successful art curator who is also a hardcore boy group fangirl.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

In light of her unique character, Park Min Young was asked about her fangirling experience.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Park Min Young said, "As you know, everyone at my age were crazy over H.O.T. at the time. I was also a fangirl for H.O.T."

She continued, "Then I really got into dramas. Now, I'm one successful drama fangirl as I take part in dramas myself."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Meanwhile, the first episode of 'Her Private Life' is set to be aired on April 10 at 9:30 PM KST.

(Credit= Yonhap News Agency, tvN Her Private Life, 'rachel_mypark' Instagram)

(SBS Star)

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