SBS Star

[SBS Star] Security Guard Blocks Fans from Giving SUHO Letters but He Takes Them Anyway!

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

K-pop boy group EXO's leader SUHO melted the hearts of many fans at the airport in Hong Kong.

Recently, SUHO visited Hong Kong to attend an event held by a luxury fashion brand.

After the event, SUHO headed to the airport where hundreds of fans gathered around to see him before he left Hong Kong.

SUHO checked in, then got his passport checked upon entering the terminal.

At that time, fans were loudly calling his name and saying goodbye.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

When SUHO got his passport back, he began to walk away while waving to fans at the same time.

As SUHO turned around, he noticed fans holding some letters that were written to him.

Then, SUHO suddenly walked back towards fans and received their letters instead of keep walking forward. 

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One of the security guards noticed SUHO coming closer to fans, and tried to stop fans from giving him letters.

However, he just pretended not to have noticed him and continued taking letters from fans.

Now, fans are having a hard time getting over this overly sweet move of SUHO. 

They commented, "This shows how much he truly loves us, guys! EXO♥EXO-L forever!" "Awww! He turned around just for the letters. How sweet!", "SUHO is an angel!", and so on.

Meanwhile, EXO released a live album 'EXO PLANET #4 –The EℓyXiOn (dot)–' on January 30.

(Lee Narin, Credit= Online Community, 'junmians' Twitter, SM Entertainment)

(SBS Star)

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