SBS Star

[SBS Star] SHINee KEY Sweats as He Does Not Know This Particular Fan Culture

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

K-pop boy group SHINee's member KEY sweated while chatting with fans as he did not know one of the most common fan cultures.

On January 29, KEY entered 'Solitary Room' under his name on Kakaotalk, the largest free mobile instant messaging applications in Korea.

KEY was peacefully enjoying the conversation with his fans until they began to flood the chat room with the same message, "Ki-beom (KEY's real name) si."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

K-pop fans in Korea actually have a special way of expressing love and support to their favorite star online.

Twice a day, when the clock points at the time of their favorite star's birthday, they share this online with a comment, "OO (name) si (time)."

The sudden 'Ki-beom si' messages were due to the time being 9:23PM, and KEY's birthday is on September 23.

Not knowing this fan culture though, KEY got very confused and asked, "Why are you guys all calling me 'Ki-beom si?' I'm here."

When a fan clarified that they were not calling his name, but just celebrating 'KEY's time', KEY laughed hard and sent a message with an emoji that said, "Everything is my fault."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Then, KEY commented, "So, 'Ki-beom time' goes on for 60 seconds a day, right?"

A fan replied, "No, no! 120 seconds every day!"

With a slight embarrassment, KEY commented, "Oh! I had not thought of the 60 seconds in the morning."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Meanwhile, KEY is planning to hold his first-ever solo concert '[THE AGIT] KEY LAND' next month.

(Lee Narin, Credit= Online Community, 'bumkeyk' Instagram)

(SBS Star)

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