SBS Star

[SBS Star] Choo Sa Rang Impresses the Public with How Much She Had Grown over the Years

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Choo Sa Rang, the daughter of Korean-Japanese MMA(Mixed Martial Arts) fighter Choo Sung Hoon and Japanese model Yano Shiho, impressed the public with how much she had grown in the last seven years.

On January 10, Choo Sung Hoon shared pictures comparing Choo Sa Rang's height in the past and present.

In the pictures that he shared, a section of wall in their home where the family periodically measured Choo Sa Rang's height can be seen.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Of course, Choo Sa Rang's growth is visible from the outside, but these markings on the wall confirm her huge growth every year.

Choo Sung Hoon also uploaded pictures of Choo Sa Rang measuring the height when she was much younger and now for comparison.

In these images, Choo Sa Rang is tiny with more baby fat on her face.

She looks much grown up now compared to the time then.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스
오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

After people have checked out the pictures, they commented, "It looks like she has her mother's genes. I'm sure she's going to get super tall like her!", "I always tend to think she's still a little girl, but she definitely is not anymore.", "Her face is the same though!", and more.

Meanwhile, Choo Sa Rang has turned nine years old in Korean age this year.

(Lee Narin, Credit= KBS The Return of Superman, 'choosarang_official' 'akiyamachoo' Instagram)

(SBS Star)

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