SBS Star

[SBS Star] Drunken Tiger Gives Credit to BTS RM for Topping American iTunes Charts

대표 이미지 영역 - SBS 뉴스

Korean hip-hop artist Drunken Tiger once again expressed his gratitude to K-pop boy group BTS' RM.

On November 20 episode of SBS POWER FM's radio show 'Cultwo Show', Drunken Tiger made appearance at the show and revea

led the story behind his 10th full album.

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Drunken Tiger said, "This would be my last album, and will be a start of Tiger JK. I wanted to wrap up this journey with a good memory. I truly put my heart into this and spent one and a half year making 30 tracks for my last album."

He added, "Eun Ji-won, Kim Jong-kook, Defconn, HAHA, BTS' RM, SEVENTEEN's VERNON, GARION, and DOK2 helped me with my album. And thanks to BTS' RM, I ranked #1 in the U.S. and marked #3 in the world."

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오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Drunken Tiger continued, "I tried to make a song that has nothing to do with the charts. Our fans think that it's uncool to have our tracks on the charts. I think it's pretty cool to rise above all that."

However, a few minutes later, Drunken Tiger made everyone burst into laugh by saying, "But I felt kind of sad when I couldn't see my songs on domestic music charts right after release."

오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Drunken Tiger released his 10th full album 'X : Rebirth of Tiger JK' on November 14.

For his last album, Drunken Tiger prepared 30 tracks in total, tried to contain as many interpretations as possible, and divided his album into two CDs.

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According to Drunken Tiger, the listeners will be able to enjoy his signature boom bap tracks with the first CD, and they can also experience a combination of different genres such as EDM, Jazz, and Reggae with the second one.

Meanwhile, the track 'Timeless' that Drunken Tiger released with RM ranked #1 on U.S. iTunes' hip-hop chart right after its release.

(Kang Eunbee, Credit= SBS POWER FM Cultwo Show, Feelghood Music, 'bangtan.official' Facebook)

(SBS Star)

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