SBS Star

[SBS Star] 4 Celebrities Who Excel at Speaking Other Languages Except English!

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

We all know learning to speak another language is an extremely difficult task.

As a natural consequence, the idea of being fluent in another language without spending their childhood or at least a decade in other countries seems almost impossible especially when it is not English, that one language that all of us had to study to be the leaders of a global society.

But there are some celebrities who can speak like a native speaker even though they spent most of their lives in Korea.

With these four celebrities, you will definitely agree with the recent catchphrase "brainy is the new sexy"!

1. U-KNOW Yunho and MAX Changmin from K-pop boy group TVXQ!

It looks like their appearance and singing skills are not the only thing that TVXQ! should be proud of.

According to their fans in Japan, U-KNOW Yunho and MAX Changmin are at a level where they could sense the subtle difference in nuance when they are speaking Japanese.

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They also added that they are not only moved by U-KNOW Yunho and MAX Changmin's constant efforts to learn their language but also, are in awe and having trouble finding the perfect word to describe their impeccable Japanese.

Especially, MAX Changmin is so fluent in Japanese that he once took the leading role in Japanese film as a male protagonist.

2. SEUNGRI from K-pop boy group BIGBANG

According to SEUNGRI, he started to learn Chinese about seven years ago.

Earlier this year, at a press conference for his latest film 'LOVE ONLY', he managed to answer every single question in Chinese without the help of an interpreter.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Also, on the previous episode of tvN's travel show 'Salty Tour', SEUNGRI surprised other guests with his flawless Chinese while ordering foods in Chinese.

Besides Chinese, SEUNGRI can also speak Japanese and bit of English.

3. K-pop artist Jung Joon Young

Despite his looks, which reminds the public of a free-spirited rocker, Jung Joon Young is working his way up to become a hyperglot.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

According to Jung Joon Young, he can speak 5 languages at the moment including Korean, English, French, Japanese, and Tagalog.

Even though he still needs to work on his Tagalog a little more, he has no problem communicating in other 4 languages.

4. Actress Seo Yea Ji

Apparently, Seo Yea Ji doesn't need any help to understand the lyrics of famous Latin pop songs.

According to Seo Yea Ji, she spent three and a half years in Madrid, Spain while taking classes in University.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

On the previous episode of one sitcom, she surprised the public with her Spanish while superbly pulling off an entire scene in Spanish.

(Kang Eunbee, Credit= KING Entertainment, SBS funE, 'sun4finger' Instagram)

(SBS Star)

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