SBS Star

[SBS Star] VIDEO: Yook Sungjae Softly Narrates in the Teaser for His Upcoming Track

대표 이미지 영역 - SBS 뉴스

K-pop boy group BTOB's member Yook Sungjae dropped a teaser video for his upcoming remake track 'Propose'.

On August 30, a teaser video for Yook Sungjae's remake track 'Propose', a sound track of a mega-hit 2004 movie 'Temptation of Wolves', was unveiled.

In the teaser video, Yook Sungjae narrates a famous line from the movie with his gentle voice on top of the scene where three people search for something on the beach at night.

He says, "You won't be able to see anything when you are used to seeing things under the bright light, but you can see everything if you were surrounded by the darkness to begin with."

Then, you start to hear Yook Sungjae softly singing the song, and the scene switches to the three people happily hanging out with each other.

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오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

'Propose' was originally sang by singer Lee Soo-hoon, and it was one of the most popular tracks in 2004, especially among teenagers and young adults. 

14 years later, Yook Sungjae has recreated the popular song with a modern touch.

Meanwhile, 'Propose' by Yook Sungjae is scheduled to be released on September 6.

(Lee Narin, Credit= space oddity, '1theK (원더케이)' YouTube, 'BTOBofficial' Facebook)

(SBS Star)

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