SBS Star

[SBS Star] Ong Seong Wu's Thoughtful Way of Joining the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge!

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

The thoughtful and sincere way of joining the ALS ice bucket challenge by Ong Seong Wu from K-pop boy group Wanna One gains attention from the public.

On June 10, Ong Seong Wu made a post on the official social media account of his group.

From the post, Ong Seong Wu concisely explained the primary purpose of his writing.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

He said, "Hello, this is Ong Seong Wu of Wanna One. I was chosen by N.Flying's Kwon Kwang Jin and Apink's Kim Nam Joo to participate in this meaning campaign, the ALS ice bucket challenge."

Ong Seong Wu continued, "I am so grateful and honored to join the campaign that promotes the construction of the medical hospital for the ALS patients in Korea."

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He highlighted, "I hope my trivial action gives some support for the patients. I hope you pay more attention to the campaign. Thank you."

At the end of the post, he wrote a verse from the Bible, Psalms 121:6, saying, "The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night".

From the beginning of the post, Ong Seong Wu clearly mentioned the purpose of the campaign and used some verses from the Bible without strong religious connotations.

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He also made donations worth of 1,210,000 won (approximately 1,127 dollars) to the ALS patients' organization, the Seungil Hope Foundation, that reminds where the verse is from.

Unlike the videos by many Korean celebrities that film individuals dumping over a bucket of water and ice on their heads to promote an awareness of the disease ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), Ong Seong Wu's clever way of expressing honor and respect for the campaign garners attention from the public.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

In response to Ong Seong Wu's post, his fans rapidly follow and spread Ong Seong Wu's words and make donations in a row to express reverence for the campaign.

Ong Seong Wu's considerate way of participating in the meaningful activity ignites more support from the public online.

(Credit= 'wannaone.official' Instagram, 'WannaOne.official' Facebook, 'SEONGWU825' Twitter)

(SBS Star)

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