SBS Star

[SBS Star] BIGBANG's Veiled Song is Released Next Week!

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

The veiled song of K-pop boy band BIGBANG by all five members is released next week for their fans.

On March 8, BIGBANG's agency YG Entertainment announced that the group's unreleased song will be out on March 13.

YG Entertainment noted, "All five members of the group participated in creating the song during their preparation for the last full album 'MADE' in 2016."

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

It continued, "The song was written in response to the members' upcoming enlistment, so it will be especially meaningful for their fans since the song draws the feelings of the members for the gap years from the military."

The song also intends to express the members' sincere gratitude towards their fans and concerns due to the delayed comeback of the group from the consecutive enlistment of the members.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Among the members, T.O.P is currently serving his alternative military duty as a public service worker, and G-DRAGON is serving as an active-duty soldier as of February 27.

TAEYANG and DAESUNG will be enlisted on March 12 and 13, and SEUNGRI intends to join the army as soon as possible after the promotions for his upcoming Chinese film 'Love Only'.

Although the agency did not give any details of the song such as the title, composer, producer, and theme, the release of the song is significant since it marks the official comeback of the group that has been around a year and three months.

(Credit= 'BIGBANG' Facebook)

(SBS Star)

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