SBS Star

[SBS Star] VIDEO: Wanna One Having Collaboration with the Lovely Couple 'Choo-Yu'?

오프라인 대표 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Korean-Chinese celebrity couple Choo Ja Hyun and Yu Xiaoguang encountered with the most uprising K-pop dance unit Wanna One.

On January 22, SBS variety show 'Same Bed, Different Dreams 2- You Are My Destiny' showed the stories behind the stage of '2017 SBS Entertainment Awards'.

Although Choo Ja Hyun and Yu Xiaoguang were extremely busy among the crowded audience during the awards, they visited each participant of the awards and had light conversations.

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Among the encounters, the one with Wanna One was especially remarkable.

Choo Ja Hyun, a fan of Wanna One, said, "I am such a big fan of yours. My husband gets jealous whenever I say this."

After Choo Ja Hyun's saying, Yu Xiaoguang instantly danced Wanna One's famous song 'PICK ME' right in front of Kang Daniel and Ong Seong Wu.

Besides Yu Xiaoguang's casual dance during his encounter with Wanna One, Yu Xiaoguang responded to Wanna One's stage by following Wanna One's performance and having a frenetic dance under the stage.

Yu Xiaoguang's dance with Park Woo Jin, known as the 'Yu Xiaoguang' of Wanna One, was remembered as one of the most memorable moments of the awards.

(Credit= SBS FunE, SBS Same Bed, Different Dreams 2- You Are My Destiny)

(SBS Star)

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