SBS Star

[SBS Star] VIDEO: gugudan Brings You to Sweet Wonderland with 'Chococo'

대표 이미지 영역 - SBS 뉴스

K-pop girl group gugudan turned into sweet fairies on stage!

On November 21, gugudan made an appearance at SBS MTV's 'The Show' and performed to its new track 'Chococo'.

'Chococo' is the title track of gugudan's first single 'Act.3 Chococo Factory', which has catchy lyrics inspired by the 2015 film 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'.

gugudan made its comeback as an 8-member group, as one of its members Soyee is taking a break due to her shoulder injury.

Check out gugudan's cute and bubbly 'Chococo' stage above!

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(Credit= SBS MTV The Show)

(SBS Star)

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