SBS Star

[SBS Star] Lee Jin-wook's Comeback with a Movie 'High Society'

오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Korean actor Lee Jin-wook will make his comeback with a new commercial film called 'High Society'.

On October 27, actor Lee's management agency announced, "Lee Jin-wook will make an appearance in the movie 'High Society'. He will begin shooting next month." 

Last year, Lee Jin-wook suffered from abusive sexual assault scandal, although the court ruled the suspect to be not guilty. Since then, he has been living in seclusion.

Then last year, he made a comeback in a low-budget independent film called 'A Tiger in Winter', co-starring with an actress named Ko Hyun Jung.

Thus, it will be his comeback in a long time, shooting for the commercial film 'High Society'. 

Recently, a source reported that Lee Jin-wook is also expected to make an appearance on SBS' upcoming drama 'Return'. 

(Credit= SBS funE)

(SBS Star)

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