SBS Star

[SBS Star] The Secret Behind Suzy's Amazing News Reporting Skills on 'While You Were Sleeping'

대표 이미지 영역 - SBS 뉴스

Korean actress and singer Suzy's remarkable acting skills have been getting people's attention lately.

Suzy is currently taking the role of a news reporter named Nam Hong-joo in the SBS drama 'While You Were Sleeping'.

오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

In order to play the character, Suzy reportedly took some personal lessons from a real news reporter.

According to Suzy's mentor SBS reporter Jung Hye-kyung, Suzy took some time to meet with the reporter in person and asked various questions regarding her work life as a news reporter.

Suzy also received some news reporting training on site by practicing her drama lines together and rehearsing the actual scene in front of the camera.

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오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Reporter Jung commented, "She already had a good tone so there weren't any problems. I mainly gave her helpful tips and tricks how to read difficult news articles with legal terminology."

The reporter added, "We even communicated through text messages as well. Whenever Suzy had a question about something, she recorded the part and sent it to me. I read the same line and sent it back to her."

오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Reporter Jung also praised Suzy's attitude by saying, "She was very passionate to learn and put a lot of efforts. It was so much fun to practice together with her. She was eager to learn how news reporters work to deliver her character successfully."

Meanwhile, Suzy and Lee Jong-suk's drama 'While You Were Sleeping' airs every Wednesday and Thursday on SBS, at 10 PM KST.

(Credit= iHQ/SBS funE)

(SBS Star)

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