SBS Star

[SBS Star] VIDEO: IU Talks about Hair Loss After 5 Hours of Bleaching

K-pop artist IU opened up about her complete makeover.

Recently, IU shared a story behind her new hairstyle via her official channel IU TV's 'Kkot-Galpi #2' Album Making #2 & Fan Meeting' on YouTube.

It was IU's very first time getting her hair bleached to blonde.

오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

IU said, "I bleached my hair blonde just for my song 'Last night's story'. It took me five hours to get this color. It doesn't make sense, does it?" 

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She added, "I've never bleached my hair to blonde before ever since I made a debut. But after getting my hair bleached, my hair fell out randomly."

She continued, "After my hair was ready for a blow dry, I thought it was a piece of string that fell on my shoulder. But it was actually my hair. My hairstylist saw it too so she blew my hair with her warm breath to get rid of the evidence."

From the incident, IU realized that her hair can fall out from bleaching. 

Check out more for IU's behind story here! 

(Credit = '1theK' YouTube) 

(SBS Star)

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