SBS Star

[SBS Star] 'No Leniency' EXO's CHAN YEOL to Take Legal Action Against Hate Commenters

대표 이미지 영역 - SBS 뉴스

K-pop boy group EXO's CHAN YEOL has taken legal action against in total of four malicious commenters.

On September 26, it was reported that the four commenters will be investigated by the Cyber Crime Investigation Unit at Seocho Police Station, Seoul.

According to the unit, CHAN YEOL expressed that there will be no leniency toward the accused, and he will seek for maximum sentence against them.

The accused commenters reportedly wrote malicious comments include sexual harassment, false rumors not only to CHAN YEOL but also to his family members.

The unit also clarified that it will be highly unlikely for the commenters to avoid the lawsuit.

오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Before the investigation, CHAN YEOL's fans have gathered malicious comments posted online since 2015 and funded the lawsuit by hiring a lawyer themselves.

As the cyber crime unit is under a thorough investigation in this case, fans expressed their support for CHAN YEOL by commenting "Stay Strong" "Thank you for your decision to fight against the haters".

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(Credit= 'weareoneEXO' Facebook)

(SBS Star)

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