SBS Star

[SBS Star] Lee Je-hoon Confesses, "I had to put an end to dating"

오프라인 - SBS 뉴스

Korean actor Lee Je-hoon confessed about his view on dating.

On September 7, Lee Je-hoon made an interview with SBS funE and frankly answered to a question of 'Are you dating anyone?'

Lee Je-hoon said, "I've always had a girlfriend in my twenties, but lately I haven't had a chance to meet anyone." 

He added, "For six to seven years I've been busy. In the beginning of my acting career, I went to army and have been part of various films and dramas."

He continued, "After I turned 30, I've been busy that I had to put an end to dating. Although I'm sorry and regretful about it, I didn't have any other choices. I have long life to live anyways." 

Lee Je-hoon made a debut at Korean commercial movie industry in 2011 with the movie 'The Front Line', in 2012 he was in the hit mellow movie 'Architecture 101', and he went to army for two years. 

Then last year, he made a comeback with a drama series 'Signal' and this year he was in the movie 'Anarchist from Colony'.

It does seem like Lee Je-hoon had a busy schedule regarding his acting career. 

Meanwhile, Lee Je-hoon's new movie 'I Can Speak' will be available in theaters on September 21.

(Credit = SBS funE, 'saram.leejehoon' Facebook)

(SBS Star)

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