SBS Star

[SBS Star] Sleepy Helped BTS Rap Monster to Debut?

대표 이미지 영역 - SBS 뉴스

K-pop artist Sleepy made an appearance on SBS POWER FM's 'Cultwo Show' and revealed an episode with BTS Rap Monster.

On September 5, Sleepy unveiled that he has helped BTS' Rap Monster to debut as a singer. 

He said, "I was at underground crew audition and saw Rap Monster. He can do rap so well. So, I asked him for his number and connected him to BigHit Entertainment. He was only a senior in middle school." 

오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Host asked Sleepy, "You should ask Rap Monster to do a featuring in your album." 

Then Sleepy answered, "I've asked him numerous times, but every time I called him he was in the meetings everyday for six months." 

He added, "Nam-joon (Rap Monster), please feature in my music." 

(Credit = SBS funE)

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(SBS Star)

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