SBS Star

[SBS Star] EXO's LAY to Get a Wax Figurine at Madame Tussauds

오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

K-pop boy group EXO's LAY is about to get his very own wax figurine!

On August 28, Beijing Madam Tussauds Museum revealed the pictures of LAY getting his body measurement for producing his wax figurine.

오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

LAY's figurine will be displayed at the museum on September 8.

LAY becomes the first EXO member to get a wax figurine, and is S.M. Entertainment's third artist to have one, after TVXQ's U-Know Yunho, Max Changmin and Super Junior's Siwon.

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오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Currently, LAY is promoting as a solo artist under individually established label in China.

Meanwhile, his group EXO will make its comeback this September with a repackaged album.

(Credit= 'Beijing Madam Tussauds Museum' Weibo)

(SBS Star)

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