SBS Star

[SBS Star] Red Velvet to Hold its First-Ever Concert 'Red Room'

대표 이미지 영역 - SBS 뉴스

Red Velvet held its first-ever concert in three years since they have debuted!

On August 18 through 20, Red Velvet held its first solo-concert 'Red Room' at Seoul Olympic Stadium.

Hit songs they have performed include, 'Red Dress', 'Happily Ever After', 'Dumb Dumb', 'One of These Nights', 'Russian Roulette', and 'Rookie'.  

오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

They also performed songs that made them to be 'Summer Queen', including 'Red Flavor', 'You Better Know', 'Hear the Sea'. Not only Red Velvet performed as a group, but also did a solo performance.

It was reported that Red Velvet's stage manner was something to take note of as Red Velvet members went around the concert hall and made eye contact with each and every one of its fans. 

광고 영역
오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

In a press release, Red Velvet revealed their feelings at the concert, "It's our first time seeing these many fans. We have only met them at the music programs. We couldn't believe we had that many fans! It was surreal."

The members added, "We cried because, it reminded us of past trainee days―when we had good and bad times. Also we have never practiced this intensely before." 

Meanwhile, Red Velvet is scheduled to perform at 'a-nation 2017' in Japan's Ajinomoto Stadium on August 26.

(Credit = S.M. Entertainment/SBS FunE) 

(SBS Star)

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