SBS Star

[SBS Star] Song Joong-ki Sends Admiration for Song Hye-kyo

대표 이미지 영역 - SBS 뉴스

Groom-to-be Korean actor Song Joong-ki applauded his fiance Song Hye-kyo for her patriotic act. 

On July 25th, SBS 'Han Bam' reporter visited movie premiere for 'The Battleship Island' and asked Song Joong-ki about how he thinks about his fiance's refusal to an advertisement offer from Japanese company Mitsubishi.

Actor Song replied, He said he had no idea until he read it on the news about how Song Hye-kyo has rejected an offer from Mitsubishi, because the Japanese brand was blamed for war crime activity―alleged use of forced labor during the Japanese colonial era. 

He said, "If I were to given the same offer, I would have done the same thing. I send admiration to Song Hye-kyo."

Meanwhile, actor Song Joong-ki and actress Song Hye-kyo are expected to get married on the last day of October.

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(Credit = SBS Han Bam) 

(SBS Star)

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