SBS Star

[SBS Star] Apink Members Showed Off Their Charming Looks by Wearing 'Momppae' Pants?

대표 이미지 영역 - SBS 뉴스

K-pop girl group Apink made an appearance on SBS funE 'The Show Fan PD' and showed off their unique charms.

On July 24th, Apink showed up on the stage wearing Korean 'momppae', which is a loose fitted baggy pants that Korean people wear while they are farming. 

Although 'momppae' pants are loose-fit and hid their body shape, Apink girls managed to walk like models. Even with loosely-fitted pants, girls were able to show off their beauty.

오프라인 본문 이미지 - SBS 뉴스

Moreover, they successfully completed BTOB's star pose, as program's mission was to create star shape with their hands in group. 

Especially Apink's Yoon Bomi was seen actively participating in its mission and managed to smile until the end, showed her professional attitude. 

The hosts for 'The Show Fan PD' are Sleepy and Apink's Kim Nam-joo.'The Show Fan PD' program allows its fans to visit fan meeting event, and watch behind the scene.

(Credit = SBS funE)

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